Easiest Way to Make Yummy Sponge Cake

cake recipes minecraft, fresh and tasty.

Sponge Cake.

Sponge Cake You can have Sponge Cake using 5 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Sponge Cake

  1. It's 450 g of Butter (melted) (1 brick).
  2. Prepare 2100 g of Eggs (aprox 36).
  3. You need 1400 g of Sugar.
  4. You need 1400 g of Cake Flour.
  5. Prepare 30 g of Vanilla.

Sponge Cake instructions

  1. Get ingredients together.
  2. Melt butter.
  3. Beat eggs on high.
  4. Heat sugar on cookie tray in oven (until warm).
  5. Add hot sugar to eggs.
  6. Whip until a thick foam.
  7. Fold in remaining ingredients.
  8. Spray cookie sheet.
  9. Pour batter onto cookie sheet.
  10. Smooth with spatula.
  11. Bake for 35min at 365F.