Recipe: Tasty Tapioca Cake- Ai  See

cake recipes minecraft, fresh and tasty.

Tapioca Cake- Ai  See.

Tapioca Cake- Ai  See You can have Tapioca Cake- Ai  See using 4 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Tapioca Cake- Ai  See

  1. You need 1 kg of shredded tapioca.
  2. Prepare 190 grams of sugar or gula melaka.
  3. It's 250 ml of water.
  4. It's 200 ml of coconut milk.

Tapioca Cake- Ai  See instructions

  1. Mix all and steam for 50 mins and cool.
  2. Shredded white coconut 250g ..a dash of salt. Steam 5 min n cool..
  3. Cut into bite size and coat with shredded white coco.